Next unit to be completed for my
polish Renaissance army is one of Cossack axe armed infantry in Polish service.
Due to the paucity of information on flags for units such as these, this standard
is completely fictitious but I have tried to combine the Polish colours of red
and white with a Russian religious symbol. I think it looks alright. The basing of the figures is a little higgledy-piggledy to represent the fact that it is more of an irregular unit.
Now all I have left is a command base -all of mounted troops- comprising of Lithuanian Grand Hetman Jan Karol Chodkiewicz (pronounced Hod-ki-a-vitz), two musicians and two husaria comrades as standard bearers. One of the standards will be the hetman's grand standard but still not completely sure about the other. Plus 15 infantry archers. reading about some of the earlier battles -Lubieszow, Kokenhauzen and Kircholm- I think I have enough infantry but will definitely need more husaria and pancerni before I make a start on the Swedes. These Swedes will actually start life as part of a projected ECW/30YW army but I have some plastic pipe that I am going to glue differnt standards to so as to portray the different units.