Sunday 22 February 2015

Cavalier Show in Tonbridge, Kent 2015.

There seemed to be fewer traders, less games on show and less people than last year -and it wasn't just me, others commented as well.
   Despite that I still had a good time, chatting to my very long standing mate from Southend, Lee of Postie's Rejects, and others. It was great to catch up.
   I had gone with a definite purpose, to see what was about in the FPW market in the way of books etc. So I had a wonder around and picked up a copy of  Howard's The Franco-Prussian War which , I have been told by various people, that is a bl**dy good book. This is the first book I have bought since Jean and Auerstadt last year, I believe at the same show! Later, I was talking to Andy Badger of Pilum Painting ( and noticed a box of books at the right of his stand. I carried on chatting , slowly edging my way over to have a quick look after another bloke had finished. He pulled out a book and said 'I'll have this one.' I looked over purely out of curiosity and noticed that it was Bruce Weigle's 1870 rules, priced at £10. Gutted! Thirty seconds earlier and I would have nabbed them as well. But I did get  a copy of Warring Empires rules by Chris Pringle which look fast but interesting.

Friday 20 February 2015

Latest Daubings

During January, Ma Subs went off for a few days to stay with MO, his wife and our baby granddaughter. Time to get some serious painting done thinks I. Well, as it happened, the vivit was cut short but nonetheless I managed to get started on some Irregular 6mm FPW that had been in the 6mm draw for at least a couple of decades. The only reason I can think of to paint them was seeing some nicely painted chaps by Leman (used to be the Dour Puritan) on the Pendraken Forum.
   To date, apart from 4 half painted blocks of Imperial Guard, the French are now complete and I have now started on the Prussians. When I say complete, what I mean is all of the figures that I have on the premises are now painted.
   This was never going to be a major, major project but the research and the painting has been interesting. I would also like to thank Leman and Mollinary on the aforementioned Pendraken forum for their help.

So here is the evidence:

 French Infantry Regiment

 Some of the units.

Chasseur Battalion 

The first Prussian Infantry Battlaion. 

French artillery. 

 Imperial Guard.

 All of the French to date

MacMahon and his immediate entourage. 

 Lancer Regiment

Chasseur a cheval Regiment.

This last picture has been added to show my method of unit numbering. This battalion is the I battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment. ( I can't be bothered to use French terminology.)