Monday 14 April 2014

More 10mm buildings for Eastern Europe

I wasn't overly satisfied with the basing of the church in the last post so I decided to rebase it. Trying to keep everything in multiples of 60 x 40, the church was put on a 120 x 80 so as to be the focal point of the village.
The walls around the church yard were made from balsa strip and had the tops rounded over slightly to remove the block effect. The tree is one I had made from the debacle with clump foliage.
   Since then I have made another 3 1/2 buildings, all on their own little bases -either 60 x 40 or 80 x 60.
   The roofs are all made from scored cereal packet card and the same effect was used on the walls of the barn. The bases have had the edges Dremeled to give them an uneven chamfer. The walls of the other two buildings are made from cocktail sticks/toothpicks cut to size. To make them look authentic the logs should really alternate on the ends but I couldn't be ar*sed to do all of that, which is why only the sides project beyond the walls. The widow and door frames are made from strips of card cut to size. All of the fences have been made by splitting toothpicks lengthwise and gluing them down with the flat side against the uprights -made from pieces of coffee stirrer. The corn field is made from a piece of Poundland self adhesive carpet covered in watered-down PVA.
   On the base with the cut planks I have made a pit saw out of cut down toothpick and a piece of paper with serrations cut into it. Unfortunately, making the pit would have been a problem so I left it out.

Now I have the makings of a village that will work for most periods from Medieval right up to Modern (including 10mm WW 1 Eastern Front using Pendraken figures which I have decided could well be my next project). The rules I am not too sure about so I might end up writing my own.)

By the way, inspiration came from two sites. The first is of a wargamer.

and the second is one that he recommends and I would second his recommendation for anyone wanting inspiration on buildings in rural Russia.