Friday 12 September 2014

Completed Challenge and a bit of SciFi history

Again, using the same link as above, you will see that I have completed the challenge and posted the pictures as proof. These SciFi figures were bought on E-Bay from what appears to be a small unlisted company but are quite nice little figures. A few months ago I had an idea of resurrecting my SciFi RPG system that was written way back in the 80’s with a friend, John Priest, which we named StarQuest.
Now this chap is quite a character. When I met him he was a occasional member of the Circle Battle Group in that his work took him away a lot of the time. He was a Special Effects fellow who did some work on the film Labyrinth, having a hand in making the little fairies that Hoggle swats and also worked on the small wall based worm character.
So I bought a few figures online but am still looking for generic RPG-type SciFi figures rather than the omnipresent chaps in battle armour and festooned with all manner of nasty weapons. That project is still bubbling away.
Anyway, not only have I finished the figure, I thought that, in line with the rest of the world, I would make a charitable donation. I chose the Combat Stress Appeal Charity championed by Henry Hyde as the recipient. They can be found at .


Saturday 6 September 2014

Wargamers equivalent to the Ice Bucket Challenge.

If you go to Wargames Directory Facebook page

you will notice that I have been challenged by Richard Watts aka 'Eccles' on the WD3 forum to paint a single figure, any scale, any period, and post a pic on the page by Friday 12th August. Now as you are probably aware, akin to many other wargamers I have a lead mountain -nothing new there- but do you think I could think of one single figure to paint that was not part of an army? So, earlier today I had a quick rummage, dismissing 6mm as too small, 10mm as I have no single figures waiting for paint, no 25/28 to speak of so that only left one scale 15mm. then I remembered I had ordered some 15mm Sci Fi figures for a yet-to-start RPG campaign that I co-wrote -along with a friend named John Priest- back in the 80's and have never got round to playing. So now I have a 15mm Sci Fi figure prepped and ready to go once the undercoat has dried. There will be pics on the above page when I have finished the little chap.
